6 Scenarios To Consider- Does Winging Ever Trump Kiting?- Inland Ridin – LAHOMA WINDS

6 Scenarios To Consider- Does Winging Ever Trump Kiting?- Inland Riding


Welcome back and you may be wondering another wing video. We thought you were Lahoma Winds well for one just put us on a twin tip. We have completely drank the Kool-Aid on winging and our wing activity distribution chart well it continues to rise. So this video is a petition for you to consider six scenarios where winging trumps kiting. Where winging kiting obviously everyone talks about the coastal benefits of winging for riding waves. It's often assumed that this environment is the only enjoyable advantage of winging. You need very strong winds to participate in the sport but really as you progress in your development under a wing those requirements will continue to decrease now.


If you are riding coastal conditions with a 10 mile per hour sea breeze that goes to 10.5 then you're probably not going to have much fun. Inland Lake riding most often if it's blowing 10 then there is a 15 or 20 miles per hour gust right around the corner. While you're on foil sub 10 miles per hour winds are more, than adequate to continue you’re foiling now. You may choose a transition when the next gust reappears but as you become more efficient in your transitions can be more and more spread out. When the range is 15to 35 miles per hour winds well the wing is able to efficiently dump the power so effortlessly.




Not only dump the power but also control those gusts much better than a kite. It can be very difficult to progress under kiter such volatile conditions and that is just simply not the case under a hand wing. We would urge you to not let your land lock situation from spurring interest and potentially adding winging to your wind sport quiver okay. So if you're a past or current windsurfer you probably don't see this as such an advantage but for all kiters out there who look at every puddle of water that they encounter and they subconsciously think can we launch a kite there? Now the question is simply how deep that water is so tree-lined shores populated beaches and difficult terrain are now accessible with a wing. So this doesn't eliminate the shore break entry difficulties but remember this focus is on the island winger.

You will now need to pull up your entire past mental failed kite checklists. Your new criteria even though. We haven't yet overcome the financial hurdles for winging accessibility. We believe that this increase in geographic accessibility has the potential to broaden the reach of this wind sport in the near future.



Many kiters are apprehensive to ride solo in their sessions. Usually, it's due to the launch land situation or the safety concerns with so much of a power supply connected to four lines which are all understandable hesitations granted when sports are more fun within a community. Sometimes schedules for group writing are just not feasible wing foiling. We try to develop a new skill well they're usually during those solo times when kite foiling solo many times.


We would just limit our distance away from our original launch site. We would rarely practice a new skill where we knew that we would be required to crash over and over. This is the main reason we think that we have progressed more quickly winging. Then we did kite not just because of time on the water but because of that intentional time on the water in those solo sessions.

Where you're faced with the question of so what's the worst-case here in front of us? You base your session off of answering that question well with wing foiling. We guess there's a limit to all safety. You actually don't have to be a wave rider to enjoy some of the hydrofoil freedoms. Winging gives you even with the liberty that kite foiling offers well. You are still limited by the kite's pulling angles and direction much of this is wing holding.


It's the closest thing that we are going to experience to surfing without an engine and hundreds of miles from our nearest coastline. If someone has any hydrofoil experience whether that be on a boat then hands down winging is easier than kiting for the beginner. If cross-training for hydrofoil experience is an available option then getting someone out on a win reduces a lot of the entry-level stress and risk associated with wind sports at the entry level to be more specific.




This is a comparison to the free ride kite foiling the caloric expenditure differences between winging and kite foiling. We know that the twin tip kiting and foil racing are also great calorie burners but if you ride anything like us on a foil. Under a kite, you know that you're not really breaking a sweat out there. These criteria alone have actually motivated us a number of times to go out in suboptimal conditions just for the workout.






It can be a pretty full-body workout when winging. You need big air for a satisfying session. You need to consistently go faster. Then say 15 to 20 miles per hour in velocity or do. You ride in conditions that rarely see over 12 miles per hour winds well. If you feel any responsibility to being indoctrinated and are considering joining your local wing then check out Lahoma Winds for all your winging needs also kiting needs. We'll see you next time on the Lahoma Winds.


Video credit & lesson Credit from Kyle Oklahoma.

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